As parental alienation is only recently appearing in Children Act Judgements and there is not yet a legal definition, it can be difficult to understand what you should actually be looking out for.
What signs show parental alienation? What type of behaviour will your child be expressing? How with the other parent be acting?
Examples may be, for example:
Does the other parent express their grief and anger towards you with your child?;
Is the other parent positive about you in front of your child?;
Does the other parent demean, belittle or criticise you in front of your child?;
Is your child feeling the need to take sides?;
Does the other parent encourage your child to communicate with you? Whether that being by telephone calls, text messages or social media?;
Does the other parent include you in important decisions regarding your child?;
Is your child using adult words and phrases which indicate coaching?
The examples can be limitless and even the smallest of behavioural snags could be considered as parental alienation, which will only worsen over time.
A relationship breakdown does not have to damage your child(ren).
This information provided in this article is not intended to constitute legal advice and each relationship breakdown requires careful consideration in our view by a person fully qualified before decisions are made and before you embark on a certain course of action.
Emma Aslett Penn Chambers Solicitors 0207 183 4595